Pupil Premium Funding
Pupil Premium Strategy Review Date: July 2024
Did you know that each year the school receives extra funding from the government to provide additional support and educational experiences for children who come from lower-income homes? This funding is called Pupil Premium and can help ensure all children have access to the same opportunities and activities.
If you are in receipt of specific benefits, your child may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding. If your eligibility is confirmed, the school will receive the pupil premium grant to provide additional educational support to help your child maximise their learning opportunities.
You will also be entitled to have free school meals for your child along with a bespoke curriculum package with access to services within the school to support your child with their learning. Examples of services available are uniform packages, a choice of music tuition, book vouchers three times per year, before and after school clubs, school trips and resources to support learning at home.
You may be entitled to Pupil Premium funding if you receive one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Tax Credit Only (with income up to £16,190) with no element of Working Tax Credit
- National Asylum Seekers Support
- Guarantee Element of the State Pension Credit
- Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
- Universal Credit
If you are in receipt of these benefits, you will need to request a free school meal eligibility check by completing an application form via Free school meals - Schools and education (northamptonshire.gov.uk) Registering, which is really quick and easy. No one will know you have registered, and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. You can claim for children from Reception to Year 6.
Please do not hesitate to contact the School Office if you have any queries.
Families claiming free school meals generate additional funding for pupils at St Edward's Catholic Primary School. This funding helps us to improve the attainment and progress of these children.